
Airports in Maniema

Name ICAO IATA Country Coordinates
Kailo Airport FZOO Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 2°37'58"S, 26°6'0"E
Kamisuku Airport FZOC Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 2°32'59"S, 26°37'0"E
Kampene Airport FZOE Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 3°34'58"S, 26°42'0"E
Kasese Airport FZOS Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 1°37'58"S, 27°2'59"E
Kasongo Airport FZOK Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 4°31'58"S, 26°37'1"E
Kibombo Airport CD-0030 Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 3°55'17"S, 25°56'52"E
Kimano Ii Airport FZMP Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 4°22'58"S, 28°21'0"E
Kindu Airport FZOA KND Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 2°55'9"S, 25°54'55"E
Kinkungwa Airport FZOD KLY Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 2°34'40"S, 26°44'2"E
Moga Airport FZOH Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 2°28'1"S, 26°47'59"E
Obokote Airport FZOJ Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 0°51'0"S, 26°19'58"E
Punia Airport FZOP PUN Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 1°22'1"S, 26°19'58"E
Punia-Basenge Airport FZOQ Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 1°28'1"S, 26°25'58"E
Saulia Airport FZOR Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 1°31'58"S, 26°31'58"E
Tingi-Tingi Airport FZOB Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 0°45'44"S, 26°36'34"E