Wagner International Airport (OI06 | )
- City
- West Milton
- Name
- Wagner International Airport
- OI06
- Type
- Small Airport
- Coordinates
Lat: 39.9914016724 (39°59'29"N)
Lng: -84.2916030884 (84°17'29"W) - Elevation
- 935.00ft
Other resources
No information at present.
Wagner International Airport on a map
Towns near Wagner International Airport
- Troy 9 km
- Piqua 18 km
- Trotwood 22 km
- Huber Heights 22 km
- Dayton 27 km
- Riverside 28 km
Alternative Airports near Wagner International Airport
- Troy Skypark Airport (37I | ) 2 km
- Leavelle Airstrip (2OH6 | ) 2 km
- Bashore Airport (1OA1 | ) 7 km
- Waco Field (1WF | ) 8 km
- Black Heliport (4OH0 | ) 9 km
- Swigart Airport (OH78 | ) 10 km
- Adams Strip (83OH | ) 11 km
- James M Cox Dayton International Airport (KDAY | DAY) 12 km
- Phillipsburg Airport (K3I7 | ) 13 km
- Bowman Airport (4OA8 | ) 13 km
- Kemps Field of Dreams Airport (6OH9 | ) 16 km
- Miami Valley Career Technology Center Airport (OH51 | ) 17 km
- Mcgregor Airfield (12OH | ) 18 km
- Brookville Air-Park Airport (I62 | ) 19 km
- Piqua Airport-Hartzell Field (KI17 | ) 19 km
- Apple Airport (0OH7 | ) 20 km
- Sell Field (OH67 | ) 20 km
- Mc Colloch's Airport (1OI9 | ) 21 km
- Heins Field (OA23 | ) 21 km
- Fry Airport (0OH8 | ) 22 km
No information at present.
- 27/09, Length: 1,950 ft, Width: 100 ft
Airline Routes and scheduled Flights from Wagner International Airport
No information at present.