Harrod Airport (SN42 | )
- City
- Ottawa
- Name
- Harrod Airport
- SN42
- Type
- Small Airport
- Coordinates
Lat: 38.5614013672 (38°33'41"N)
Lng: -95.2081985474 (95°12'29"W) - Elevation
- 990.00ft
Other resources
No information at present.
Harrod Airport on a map
Towns near Harrod Airport
No information at present.
Alternative Airports near Harrod Airport
- Ottawa Municipal Airport (KOWI | ) 5 km
- Highland Farm Airport (28KS | ) 5 km
- Kellie Mann Airfield (0KS2 | ) 9 km
- Cochran Airport (1KS1 | ) 12 km
- Camp Chippewa Airport (0KS3 | ) 14 km
- Hartland Airport (9KS1 | ) 15 km
- Foxtrot Field Ultralight Flightpark (US-6955 | ) 17 km
- Witham Airport (SN57 | ) 17 km
- Coffman Airport (09KS | ) 17 km
- Amar Farms Airport (4KS1 | ) 21 km
- Chanay Airport (40KS | ) 21 km
- Fox Fire Airport (SN85 | ) 21 km
- The Wilderness Airport (8KS9 | ) 23 km
- Dunn Field (59KS | ) 24 km
- Maxwell Airport (47KS | ) 24 km
- Miami County Airport (KK81 | ) 25 km
- Rolling Meadows Airport (39KS | ) 26 km
- Michael Airport (54KS | ) 28 km
- Flory /Private/ Airport (SN21 | ) 30 km
- Hayden Farm Airport (00KS | ) 30 km
No information at present.
- 27/09, Length: 2,640 ft, Width: 75 ft
Airline Routes and scheduled Flights from Harrod Airport
No information at present.