Kumanovo Airport ( | )
- City
- Kumanovo
- Name
- Kumanovo Airport
- Type
- Small Airport
- Coordinates
Lat: 42.1548843384 (42°9'17"N)
Lng: 21.6998214722 (21°41'59"E) - Elevation
- 1217.00ft
Other resources
No information at present.
Kumanovo Airport on a map
Towns near Kumanovo Airport
- Куманово 3 km
- Липково 9 km
- Илинден 20 km
- Скопје 28 km
Alternative Airports near Kumanovo Airport
- Skopje Alexander the Great Airport (LWSK | SKP) 22 km
- Stenkovec Brazda Airport (LW75 | ) 28 km
- KFOR Base Airfield (XK-0001 | ) 47 km
- Suchevo Recreational Airfield (MK-0002 | ) 58 km
- Gradsko Airfield (MK-0001 | ) 70 km
- Priština International Airport (BKPR | PRN) 72 km
- Banjë Cropduster Strip (XK-0003 | ) 83 km
- Batlava-Donja Penduha Airfield (LYPT | ) 86 km
- Bojnik Airport (RS-0002 | ) 94 km
- Leskovac / Mira Sport Airport (LYLE | ) 98 km
No information at present.
- 30/12, Length: 3,006 ft, Width: 265 ft
Airline Routes and scheduled Flights from Kumanovo Airport
No information at present.