Negotino Airport ( | )
- City
- Negotino
- Name
- Negotino Airport
- Type
- Small Airport
- Coordinates
Lat: 41.5172004700 (41°31'1"N)
Lng: 22.0870990753 (22°5'13"E) - Elevation
- 500.00ft
Other resources
No information at present.
Negotino Airport on a map
Towns near Negotino Airport
- Неготино 4 km
- Кавадарци 11 km
- Штип 27 km
Alternative Airports near Negotino Airport
- Gradsko Airfield (MK-0001 | ) 12 km
- Suchevo Recreational Airfield (MK-0002 | ) 27 km
- Radnja Airstrip (MK-0003 | ) 29 km
- Skopje Alexander the Great Airport (LWSK | SKP) 63 km
- Arnissa Airport (GR-0001 | ) 78 km
- Stenkovec Brazda Airport (LW75 | ) 84 km
- Petrich Airport (LB45 | ) 95 km
- Florina Airfield (GR-0003 | ) 96 km
No information at present.
- 32/14, Length: 980 ft, Width: 66 ft
Airline Routes and scheduled Flights from Negotino Airport
No information at present.