Sinclair Island Airport (US-6848 | )
- City
- Anacortes
- Name
- Sinclair Island Airport
- US-6848
- Type
- Small Airport
- Coordinates
Lat: 48.6234000000 (48°37'24"N)
Lng: -122.6712900000 (122°40'16"W) - Elevation
- 39.00ft
Other resources
No information at present.
Sinclair Island Airport on a map
Towns near Sinclair Island Airport
- Anacortes 13 km
- Bellingham 20 km
Alternative Airports near Sinclair Island Airport
- Cypress Island Airport (US-6849 | ) 6 km
- Eliza Island Airport (WA58 | ) 7 km
- Blakely Island Airport (38WA | ) 12 km
- Anacortes Airport (K74S | ) 14 km
- The Island Hospital Heliport (WA02 | ) 14 km
- Rosario Seaplane Base (W49 | ) 15 km
- Skyline Seaplane Base (21H | ) 16 km
- Decatur /Jones/ Airport (WA18 | ) 16 km
- Decatur Shores Airport (WN07 | ) 17 km
- Allan Island Airport (US-2839 | ) 18 km
- Windsock Airport (4WA4 | ) 18 km
- Blanchard Mountain Landing Zone (US-3615 | ) 19 km
- Shaw Island Trust Heliport (WA33 | ) 19 km
- Center Island Airport (78WA | ) 19 km
- Bayview Farms Airport (WN51 | ) 19 km
- Orcas Island Airport (KORS | ) 20 km
- Clam Harbor Airport (WA35 | ) 20 km
- Westsound/Wsx Seaplane Base (WA83 | ) 21 km
- Becker's Landing Airport (WN18 | ) 21 km
- Crow Valley Airport (US-1007 | ) 21 km
No information at present.
No information at present.
Airline Routes and scheduled Flights from Sinclair Island Airport
No information at present.